Programme & Contents4th Mediterranean Plant Conservation Week

MONDAY Oct. 23rd


Opening Conference 

What are the drivers of plant translocation outcome? A global perspective

Key speaker: Thomas Abeli (University of Rome III) 

CV: Associate Professor at the Department of Science, Roma Tre University.
PhD in Experimental Ecology and Geobotany. University of Pavia.

My main research activity is on plant conservation and ecology. Research on conservation span from the application of the IUCN Categories and Criteria for the species conservation assessment to plant translocation and management, in particular of wetland species like Isoetes malinverniana, Leucojum aestivum and Marsilea quadrifolia. Further research in conservation include ex situ conservation practices (including the role of herbaria in plant de-extinction), habitat restoration, conservation of landraces and crop wild relatives. Moreover, I study the effect of climate change and connected processes on plant species and community in alpine areas (Alps, Apennines) and partially on arctic and sub-arctic areas.

TUESDAY Oct. 24th


1st Plenary talk

Ex situ conservation of Mediterranean threatened and rare species

Key speaker: Costas A. Thanos. Professor Emeritus of Plant Physiology. Head of the NKUA Seed Bank.

CV: President of the Hellenic Botanical Society (2010-2016)
Associate Editor (2010) of Seed Science Research journal (Cambridge University Press)

Research interests: Plant Sciences, Plant Physiology and Ecophysiology; Seed Biology and Technology; Ecophysiology of Seed Germination and Seedling Establishment; Plant Photobiology – Phytochrome; Postfire Regeneration of Mediterranean Vegetation; Ex situ Plant Conservation and Seed Banks; In situ Conservation of Plants and Habitats; Climate Change Impacts on the Reproductive Physiology and Ecology of Plants; Theophrastus and the History of Plant Science

Publications / research presentations: 57 Articles in refereed journals; 63 Other publications (book chapters, articles in books of proceedings, etc); Editor/coeditor of 10 Books and Conference Proceedings; Editor/coeditor/author in 8 Student Textbooks; 261 Presentations (oral and poster) in scientific conferences; Participation in 104 international (73) and national (31) scientific conferences; Organizer/co-organizer of 12 scientific conferences; Invited (keynote) lecturer in 32 international (27) and national (5) scientific events; ca 4370 citations, h-index 35, i10-index 54 (Google Scholar);

Research projects:
Participation in more than 50 Research Projects; some examples:
• CRETAPLANT – A Pilot Network of Plant Micro-Reserves in Western Crete (2004-2007).
• ENSCONET – European Native Seed Conservation Network. (2004-2009).
• SEMCLIMED – Impact du Changement Climatique sur la Flore Méditerranéenne et Actions de Conservation (2006-2008).
• Climate change impacts on local endemic plants of the National Forest Park of Troodos, Cyprus (2009-2011).
• JUNICOAST – Actions for the conservation of coastal dunes with Juniperus spp. in Crete and the South Aegean (2009-2012).
• PLANT-NET CY – Establishment of a Plant Micro-Reserve Network in Cyprus for the Conservation of Priority Species and Habitats. (2010-2013).
• JuniDrone – Innovative usage of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in forest ecosystem management in Greece – A pilot study on Syrian Juniper (Juniperus drupacea Labill.) (2020-2022).
• Conserving the Flora of the Balkans: Native Plants of Greece. Millennium Seed Bank, RBG Kew, UK (2022-2025)



2nd Plenary talk

The IUCN Red List of Ecosystems

Key speaker: Marcos Valderrábano (UICN)

CV: Mr. Marcos Valderrabano, works at the Biodiversity Assessment and Knowledge team of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), coordinating the Red List of Ecosystems Programme. As a young graduate, Marcos started his career implementing concrete projects on the ground in different parts of the word including Peru, Egypt and Lebanon, before joining IUCN in 2010. During the next 10 years Marcos was leading conservation initiatives around the Mediterranean region, until he moved to IUCN central offices in 2020.

FRIDAY Oct. 27th


3rd Plenary talk

Environmental education and citizen science projects for plant conservation: are we effective in communicating?

Key speaker: Francesca Meloni, Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity, University of Cagliari (Italy)

CV: She has an extensive experience in planning and management of projects aimed at the conservation of biodiversity in the Mediterranean area, with a special focus on communication, education and public awareness activities. This knowledge, matured both in the private and public sector (University of Cagliari), has contributed to her professional development, equally in the international projects management and communication areas of competence.

She acquired a broad vision on these issues, by combining scientific background (Degree in Natural Sciences and PhD in Environmental and Applied Botany) with strong interest in cooperation projects (Master in European Project Planning and Management) and great expertise (25 years) in design and management of environmental education and communication services and tools.

TUESDAY Oct. 24th


1st Thematic session: Conservation priorities for the Mediterranean flora and habitats

Chair: Prof. José María Iriondo (University Rey Juan Carlos and SEBiCoP)

CV: Full Professor of King Juan Carlos University (URJC) in Madrid. His research is focused on plant conservation biology, using ecological and genetic approaches, having worked with narrowly distributed endemics, alpine plants threatened by climate change and crop wild relatives. He has studied the population dynamics, plant-pollinator interactions and local adaptation processes of alpine plants and their responses to climate change, assessing patterns of adaptation in marginal populations. He has published over 120 research articles in scientific journals and more than 100 publications as books and book chapters and articles of scientific dissemination. He has led 47 research projects as principal investigator with a total budget of over 1.400.000 Euros and participated in more than 80 funded national and international research projects (5th, 6th, 7th Framework Programs of the European Union, as well as the H2020, AGRIGENRES and LIFE programs. The relevance of his scientific publications and their contribution to generation of knowledge, ideas and practical applications rely on three dimensions: 1) the successful application of demographic, ecological and genetic approaches for the diagnosis and evaluation of threatened plant populations. 2) the integrated climate change vulnerability assessment of Mediterranean alpine plant populations, involving demographic, genetic, ecological, and evolutionary approaches. 3) The development of a conceptual basis and detailed methodology for the conservation of crop wild relatives. This research has been performed in the context of the Wild Species Conservation in Genetic Reserves Working Group of the European Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources (ECPGR) and the implementation of four European Commission funded projects (PGR Forum, AEGRO, PGR Secure, Farmer’s Pride). At the national level, it has resulted in the development of the Spanish National Strategy for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Crop Wild Relatives and Wild Food Plants approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Autonomous Communities in 2022.
Former Director of the International Doctoral School of King Juan Carlos University. Former Secretary General of OPTIMA (Organization for the Phyto-Taxonomic Investigation of the Mediterranean Area). Vice-Chair of Wild Species Conservation in Genetic Reserves WG (ECPGR). Vice-President of the Spanish Society of Plant Conservation Biology (SEBICOP).

Main topic: Knowledge of the species, the reasons of their decline and conservation solutions


Conservation planning, priority and red lists, important plant areas (IPAs), plant and habitat threats, plant conservation biology (demography, genetics, reproductive biology), phylogeography and phylogenetics, crop wild relatives, conservation of plant uses and knowledge (ethnobotany)



Find all oral presentation and poster abstracts for session 1 in the 4MPCW book of abstracts.

TUESDAY Oct. 24th


2nd Thematic session: Germplasm conservation for future and current uses

Chair: Marco Porceddu (University of Cagliari)

CV: Marco Porceddu (Serramanna, 1983), bachelor’s and master’s degree in Natural Science (2007, 2010) and PhD (2014) in Environmental and Applied Botany, University of Cagliari (Italy). From 2014 till 2018 he worked as a research fellow at the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences and currently he is the Curator of the Sardinian Germplasm Bank (BG-SAR) of the University of Cagliari. His research are mainly focused on seed dormancy and germination, ex situ conservation and seed banking, in particular on Mediterranean species and threatened endemic plants of Sardinia. As a result of his research, he has published over 50 works in international/national scientific journals and book chapters. Marco collaborates with the Network of Mediterranean Plant Conservation Centres – GENMEDA-, and the Italian network of seed banks – RIBES. He serves as a peer reviewer for several international journals on the field of ecophysiology of seed germination and ex situ conservation. He is a member of the Editorial boards of Plants, Seeds and Odissea Seminum, Review Editor for Frontiers in Conservation Science, Advisory Board member of Sci and member of the EC Agriculture Editorial Panel. He participates in different national and international projects linked to the plant conservation as the “LIFE SEEDFORCE: Using SEED banks to restore and reinFORCE the endangered native plants of Italy”. He also collaborated in several projects as ECOPLANTMED “ECOlogical use of native PLANTs for environmental restoration and sustainable development in the MEDiterranean region”, HEI PLADI by ERASMUS PLUS KA2 “Higher Education Innovation in Plant Diversity: flexible learning paths for emerging labour market”, and CARE-MEDIFLORA “Conservation Actions for Threatened Mediterranean Island Flora: ex situ and in situ joint actions”.

Main topics: How to conserve ex situ and use germplasm and living plants for conservation purposes

Keywords: Ex situ conservation, germplasm and forest seed banks, seeds and spores germination, living collections in botanical gardens



Find all oral presentation and poster abstracts for session 2 in the 4MPCW book of abstracts.

TUESDAY Oct. 24th


3 Thematic session:  In situ and integrated conservation

Chair: Joan Pérez Botella (Wildlife and Natura 2000 Service, Generalitat Valenciana)

CV: Since 1999, I have been providing technical assistance in flora management to the Conselleria de Agricultura, Desarrollo Rural, Emergencia Climática y Transición Ecológica.

The work that I carry out focuses on the evaluation of the state of conservation of the plant micro-reserves network; census and monitoring of natural populations of protected species and those from reintroduction work, design and supervision of conservation actions for threatened flora species, management of populations of invasive alien species, maintenance of GIS (Geographic Information Systems) with georeferenced information obtained in the field, as well as technical support for various issues raised by the competent public administration in environmental matters.

I have also participated in various projects such as those financed by LIFE funds “Program for the creation of the Botanical Microreserves network of the Valencian Community”, “Conservation of priority habitats in the Valencian Community” and “Management and enhancement of three habitats of high mountains”, by different ministries “Classification, cartography and evaluation of Spanish pastures”, “Biscutella L. (Brassicaceae) in the western Mediterranean: taxonomy, systematics and phylogeography”, “Spatial genetic diversity and gene flow in Tamarix: approximation ecological and molecular to the system of reproduction, dispersion and colonization in the N.P. Tablas de Daimiel” or by the Universitat d’Alacant “Botany and plant conservation”.

Since the 2009-10 academic year I have been hired as an Associate Professor at the Universitat d’Alacant, where I teached laboratory and field practices in various subjects (Economic Botany, Malherbology, etc.). Currently I teach practices of the subjects of the second year of the Degree in Biology, “Botany” and “Plant Biodiversity”, occasionally collaborating in research projects of the “Botany and Plant Conservation” Research Group.

I have published various scientific articles, mainly related to the management of endangered flora and invasive alien species, as well as I have attended different scientific conferences related to the same subjects.

Main topics: Integrated planning (recovery plans) and in situ management of conservation key species and their habitats

Keywords: Recovery plans, conservation translocations, re-introductions, integrated conservation strategies, bottom-up conservation projects, citizen science



Find all oral presentation and poster abstracts for session 3 in the 4MPCW book of abstracts.

TUESDAY Oct. 24th


Additional thematic session: Alien and invasive species


CV: PhD in applied Botany. From the beginning of her professional career, she has worked on biodiversity conservation, mostly on endemic flora of the Mediterranean. She has also conducted international research on Cycads. After various stays in labs in Italy, England, and Thailand, in recent years she has been working at the Botanical Garden of València. Currently she is working on a Spanish national project entitled “Flora (native and invasive alien species): improving knowledge of the conservation status”.

Main topics: Alien and invasive species



Find all oral presentation and poster abstracts for the additional session on alien and invasive plants in the 4MPCW book of abstracts.



4 Thematic session: Ecological restoration of Mediterranean habitats

Chair: Jordi Cortina (University of Alicante and SER Europe Chapter)

CV: Jordi Cortina-Segarra (Barcelona, 1963) is full professor at the University of
Alicante (Spain) and Chair of the European Chapter of the Society for
Ecological Restoration (SER Europe). Biologist (Univ. Barcelona, 1986), and
Ph.D. in Biology (Univ. Barcelona, 1992). Post-doctoral studies at Colorado
State Univ. (1992). His research focuses on dryland ecology, including
degradation processes and restoration. His current focus is on participatory
systematic restoration planning. He has authored 197 papers, including 83 in
SCI journals, and currently teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in
modelling and restoration ecology. He has supervised 13 Ph.D. thesis and 16
M.Sc. thesis.

Main topics: How to select and restore natural and semi-natural habitats using ecological techniques

Keywords: Restoration techniques, bioengineering, phyto-remediation tools, native seeds supply, habitat restoration programmes, landscape restoration, Red List of Ecosystems and Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs)



Find all oral presentation and poster abstracts for session 4 in the 4MPCW book of abstracts.



5 Thematic session: Conservation of relict and mature forests

Chair: Daniel Arizpe Ochoa. Technician of the Centre for Forestry Research and Experimentation – CIEF, Generalitat Valenciana

CV: Graduated as Agricultural Engineer at the Technical University of Munich. He has been working at the Centro para la Investigación y la Experimentación Forestal (CIEF) in Valencia since 2004 on issues related to habitat restoration and flora conservation. He has been coordinator of forest habitat restoration projects financed with funds from the LIFE program in which a forest management perspective for the naturalization of forest stands and species diversification is emphasized. Other fields of action are related to germplasm management in seed banks and nursery plant production for ecological restoration projects. He is also a member of the board of the Spanish Bioengineering Association where he participates in training projects and dissemination of bioengineering techniques for soil conservation and restoration of degraded areas.

Main topic: How to manage and restore relict vegetation and mature forest stands under Mediterranean conditions

Keywords: Forest restoration, old forests, monumental trees, projects on forest conservation and management



Find all oral presentation and poster abstracts for session 5 in the 4MPCW book of abstracts.



6 Thematic session: Experiences of cryptogams conservation in the Mediterranean

Chair: Sara Magrini (University of Tuscia and RIBES)

CV: Sara Magrini is a researcher at the Tuscia University, Department of Ecological and Biological Sciences Viterbo (Italy). Currently, she is the president of RIBES, the Italian network of seed banks, and a member of the Steering Committee of GENMEDA, the Network of Mediterranean Plant Conservation Centres. Since 2006, she has been working at the Tuscia Germplasm Bank.
She is a plant ecologist working in Mediterranean plant conservation and an expert on in vitro reproduction, mainly focusing on terrestrial orchids and ferns. Research interests span the field of plant conservation (seed-banking, reintroductions, red listing), population ecology (fitness, demography, dynamics), seed/spore ecology (longevity, drought resistance, thermal preferences/thresholds for germination, orchid asymbiotic germination, evaluation of seed quality, storage behaviour, in vitro propagation), and best practices in translocations of threatened plants, with a focus on Italian terrestrial orchids and ferns. Main activities in these core areas include investigations on the germination ability, the definition of new specific methods for histochemical seed viability testing, research on long-term seed storage behaviour and seed ageing, and the assessment of the effect of climate changes on the fitness analysing plant/fruit/seed functional traits in native populations. She has been currently researching the storage behaviour of terrestrial orchid seeds through thermal analysis with differential scanning calorimetry, in collaboration with the Millennium Seed Bank (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew), within the project “Comparative analysis of terrestrial orchid seeds to inform ex-situ conservation in Europe” funded by the American Orchid Society, and the allelopathic properties of Carpobrotus species in coastal areas, within the project RIVALSA funded by Regione Lazio.
She is a member of the IUCN/SSC Seed Conservation Specialist Group, the Orchid Specialist Group, and the Freshwater Plant Specialist Group. She is co-editor of “Mediterranean Plant germination reports”, an annual column published in the international journal Flora Mediterranea.
She is the deputy coordinator of the LIFE 20/NAT project SEEDFORCE “Using SEED banks to restore and reinFORCE the endangered native plants of Italy” aimed at the conservation of 29 Habitats Directive species.

Main topic: How to conserve Mediterranean cryptogams ex situ and in situ

Keywords: Spores banks, bryophytes, lichens, fungi, algae, role of mycorrhiza and rhizobia, marine plants and habitats



Find all oral presentation and poster abstracts for session 6 in the 4MPCW book of abstracts.

FRIDAY Oct. 27th


7 Thematic session: International networks for the conservation

Chair: Mauro Fois. PhD in Applied Botany at the University of Cagliari (Italy)

CV: Mauro Fois is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Cagliari. He holds a master’s degree and a PhD from the same University, although he spent part of his academic training in Ireland and Spain. His early research focused on mapping habitats and plant species, then developed studies on species distribution patterns, ecological characterisation and threats. His research now focuses on monitoring and species distribution and interaction, with particular emphasis on alien, endemic and endangered flora. Main studies are localised in Sardinia, but also collaborated with other researchers from Egypt, Croatia, France, Tunisia, among others. He is coordinator for Sardinia of MedIsWet, a Mediterranean project on the inventory and monitoring of island wetlands, and referent for other regional and international projects on plant monitoring and conservation. He is a member of the editorial board of Ecological Processes, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution and Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management.

Main topic: How to join efforts around the Mediterranean region for plant and habitat conservation

Keywords: Mediterranean networks, international projects and programmes, multi-national NGOs, international funds for plant conservation



Find all oral presentation and poster abstracts for session 7 in the 4MPCW book of abstracts.

FRIDAY Oct. 27th


8 Thematic session: Education and communication for plant conservation and ethnobotany

Chair: Olga Mayoral (Botanical Garden of the University of Valencia)

CV: Degree (1998) and PhD. (2011) in Biology by the University of Valencia (Spain). She is the deputy director of the Botanical Garden-University of Valencia, as well as Professor in the Department of Didactics of Experimental and Social Sciences in the Faculty of Teacher Training. With more than 15 years of experience as university teacher, she has carried out research and teaching visits at prestigious universities such as Harvard University and Göttingen University. She is the coordinator of the Biology and Geology specialization of the Master’s Degree in Secondary Education Teacher Training (UVEG) and co-chair of the RCC-Harvard University study group “Teaching and Learning Science in Outdoor Environments (TeLeSOE)”. She is a member of the Research group in “Scientific Education and Science Teacher Learning” of the same Department (UVEG). Olga has participated in numerous international conferences and published books, chapters and articles in journals indexed in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR), SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) or the Latindex Catalogue, both on botany and in didactics of science. She is involved in research projects of the Ministry of Science and Innovation, related to the inclusion of sustainability in teacher training and is the coordinator of the Young Innovators project (EIT-Climate KIC) at the University of Valencia. Her research focuses on one side on plant and biology conservation and on the other on outdoor education, Environmental Health Education, pseudoscientific issues, science literacy and critical thinking. She also participates in the project Fostering Outreach within European Regions, Transnational Higher Education and Mobility (FORTHEM). Since 2019 she is associate editor of the journal “Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales y Sociales” and Guest Editor of Special Issue “Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Education in Teacher Training in Time of Pandemic” of the journal “Sustainability”. Since 2022 she is the Director of the Chair in Scientific Culture for Climate Emergency (CCC Chair), devoted to promoting the development of citizenship competences in relation to the current climate crisis in the context of the 2030 Agenda.

Main topic: Involving people in plant knowledge and conservation

Keywords: Environmental education, knowledge spreading, citizen science, conservation training, ethnobotany and education, habitat and land stewardship, synergies with other conservation matters and journalism.



Find all oral presentation and poster abstracts for session 8 in the 4MPCW book of abstracts.

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