S3 – Ex situ and in situ plant species conservation: collaborations, strategies, communication


The lack of institutional and political frameworks under which adequate land management choices can be developed and efficiently implemented may hamper the achievement of ex situ and in situ conservation targets. Successful plant conservation depends on effective strategies and collaborations among countries, regions, local administrations, the scientific community, NGOs, and other stakeholders. 

In particular, robust national-level programmes that focus on the relationship between ex situ and in situ plant conservation activities are urgently needed. In addition, plant conservation in the Mediterranean would be significantly enhanced through effective dissemination of plant conservation research outcomes, development of local conservation networks to foster long-term co-operation, strengthening of regional networks among Mediterranean countries, and sharing of experiences and lessons learned in different projects.

Topics to address
  • CARE-MEDIFLORA collaborations, strategies, communication / results / lessons learned / good practices
  • Examples of other collaborations, strategies, communications in the Mediterranean
Chair of the session

Giusso Del Galdo Gianpietro (Dept. of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Catania, Sicily, Italy).

Co-Chair of the session

Hugot Laetitia (Conservatoire Botanique National de Corse – Office de l’Environnement de la Corse, France).

Keynote speakers


Conservation biogeography, a relevant challenge for plant conservation in the Mediterranean Basin hotspot. Frédéric Médail

Short presentations:

CARE-MEDIFLORA project, experiences with stakeholders and collaborations with administrations and private proprietaries. Authors: Magdalena Vicens and Carole Piazza (CARE-MEDIFLORA project)

New tools for plant diversity conservation planning. Authors: Joana Magos Brehm, Shelagh Kell, Imke Thormann, Hannes Gaisberger, Ehsan Dulloo and Nigel Maxted

Hierarchisation of species and prioritisation of conservation actions: towards a conservation strategy for flora, from biogeographical to regional level. Authors: M. LE BERRE, K. DIADEMA, V. NOBLE, M. PIRES, G. CASAZZA, L. MINUTO, M. MARIOTTI, S. ABDULHAK, N. FORT & F. MÉDAIL

Plant genetic resources in the Euro-Mediterranean region: building a new collaborative conservation network. Authors: Shelagh Kell, Nigel Maxted and Joana Magos Brehm

Collaboration between public administrations and research centers: a key element for guarantee the success of translocation actions. Authors: Pinna M.S., Cogoni D., Fenu G., Bacchetta G.

Integrated Conservation Approach in the Moroccan High Atlas. Authors: Hassan Rankou, Rachid Ait Babahmad, Soufiane M’Sou, Ugo D’Ambrosio, Emily Caruso & Gary Martin.

LIFEorchids (LIFE17NAT/IT/000596): a 5- years project for the conservation of orchids and their habitats. Authors: Samuele Voyron, Alessandro Portigliatti, Jacopo Calevo, Fernando Monroy, Annalisa Giovannini, Laura Cornara, Paolo Giordani, Alberto Girani, Dario Zocco, Luca Cristaldi, Paola Palazzolo, Simona Colombo, Marzio Marzorati, Jan Moravec, Silvia Perotto, Mariangela Girlanda

An update on the in situ conservation of Zelkova abelicea in Crete. Authors: L. Fazan, D. Ghosn, I. Remoundou, P. Gotsiou, P. Sklavaki, H. Kargiolaki, E. Flouris, E. Siligardos, P. Petrakis, C. Thanos, G. Garfì, G. Kozlowski, S. Pasta

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