3rd Mediterranean Plant Conservation WeekProgramme

Download Book of Abstracts as PDF file.
Download Programme as PDF file.


Monday 27 September 2021

8.30 – 12.00 Arrivals / Internal meetings of GENMEDA, CEPF, etc.
12.00 – 13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 16.00 On-site Registration
16.00 – 16.30 OPENING CEREMONY

Welcome from the Organising Committee, MAICH, Regional Authorities, guests)

Opening speech by the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment of Cyprus, Dr. C. Kadis

16.30 – 17.00 ‘Cretan Flora at a glance’ by the Mediterranean Plant Conservation Unit of MAICh, [presentation]
17.00 – 17.30 Plant Conservation in Greece’ (Prof. K. Georghiou & Prof. C. Thanos, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens), [presentation]
17.30 – 18.30 Round-table: “Status of the Phyto-taxonomic investigation in the Mediterranean Area”, coordinated by F. Raimondo and W. Greuter, with the participation of G. Bacchetta, J. Moreno Saiz, A. Chiarucci, L. Peruzzi, P. Dimopoulos, B. de Montmollin
18.30 Welcome cocktail

Tuesday 28 September 2021

SESSION 1: Taxonomy, inventories, Red Lists

Chair: Prof. Lorenzo Peruzzi, [short CV]

The objectives of this first day are to share with the participants, different methods for inventorying plants in the field, identifying and naming them adequately, referencing them in GIS, assessing their levels of threat and establishing priorities in terms of conservation. The afternoon session will allow participants to deepen their practical knowledge, test different tools and share experiences.

8.30 – 9.05 Plant Taxonomy: The importance of a collaborative and integrated approach to taxonomic problems for the future of systematic botany, by Lorenzo Peruzzi, [short CV]
9.05– 9.40 Inventories: What are the field inventory techniques, how to assess and monitor the size of a plant population, what computer tools are available, by Panayotis Dimopoulos, [short CV]
9.40-10.00 Case study: Drafting a prioritized checklist of Crop Wild Relatives and Wild Harvested Plants of Italy: problems and solutions, by Gianniantonio Domina, [short CV], [presentation]
10.00 – 10.30 Coffee break
10.30 – 11.15 Mapping: Incorporating inventories in GIS and R environments for investigating plant species distribution patterns, by Mauro Fois, [short CV]
11.15 – 12.00 Extinction risk: How to mobilise expert capacities (and time) for implementing IUCN Red List assessments on Mediterranean Monocots? by Catherine Numa, [short CV] & Errol Vela, [short CV]
12.00 – 13.30 Lunch break
13.30 – 14.30 Workshop 1.1: How to assess taxa for the IUCN Red List
(trainers: Catherine Numa, Errol Véla, Aline Perez-Graber)
Description, [presentation]
14.30 – 15.30 Workshop 1.2: Inventories, mapping and data sharing for supporting biological conservation and management planning: examples, difficulties and prospects of implementation
(trainers: Mauro Fois, Eva Tankovic [short CV] & Angélique Triguel [short CV])
Description, [presentation]
15.30 – 16.00 Coffee break
16.00 – 16.15 Presentation of the website “Trees and shrubs natives of North Africa” by Jesús Charco [short CV])

Project authors solicit support from experts on the themes of the day


17.30 – 19.30 Side event by CEPF
A Bunch of Flowering Initiatives’ – Exploring how civil society can strengthen botanical knowledge and conservation action Description, [presentation]
(with reception cocktail)

Wednesday 29 September

SESSION 2 Conservation planning and ex-situ / in situ techniques

Chair: Prof. Maria Panitsa, [short CV]

In situ and ex situ conservation techniques are numerous. The aim of this second session is, on the one hand, to make an inventory of these techniques, on the other hand, to give examples of projects in which they have been successfully applied and, finally, to put the participants in contact with specialists who could help train them or work on concrete examples.

8.30 – 9.00 Conservation planning: How to prepare a species conservation action plan – Action plans for plant conservation, by Nikolaos Karavas, [short CV]
9.00 – 9.30 Ex situ techniques: How to implement them, what are the skills in the Mediterranean by Katerina Koutsovoulou, [short CV]
9.30 – 10.00 The RIBES strategy for ex situ conservation: conventional and modern techniques to inform seed storage, by Sara Magrini, [short CV] & Costantino Bonomi, [short CV]
10.00 – 10.30 Coffee break
10.30 – 11.05 Importance of evolutionary and ecosystem-based approaches to in situ conservation practices of Mediterranean flora, by Frédéric Médail, [short CV]
11.05 – 11.40 In situ techniques: Criteria for area prioritization, basic data collection and monitoring – case study from the eastern Adriatic coast, by Sandro Bogdanović, [short CV]
11.40 – 12.00 Case study: Lysimachia minoricensis J.J. Rodr. on the way from EW to CR? by Pere Fraga, [short CV]
12.00 – 13.30 Lunch break
13.30 – 14.30 Workshop 2.1: From plant hunting to plant conservation, coordinated  by Juan Carlos Moreno Saiz (co-ordinator), [short CV], Emilio Laguna, Lorenzo Peruzzi, Costas Α. Thanos, Errol Véla
14.30 – 15.30 Workshop 2.2: Novel initiatives for Plant conservation in the Mediterranean, coordinated by Costantino Bonomi, [short CV]
Description, [presentation]
15.30 – 16.00 Coffee break
16.00 – 16.15 Conservation status of the endemic vascular flora of Sicily by Emilio Di Gristina [short CV]
Description, [presentation]
Project authors solicit support from experts on the themes of the day


17.30 – 19.30 SIDE EVENT
Zelkova abelicea project – final project workshop:
“Guidelines and Recommendations for the Long-term Conservation of Z. abelicea in Crete”
Description, [presentation]

Thursday 30 September 2021

08.00 – 17.00 Field trip (to Imbros gorge) – Description
20.00 Gala Dinner (at MAICh Conference Centre Restaurant “MEDITERRANEAN”)

Friday 1 October 2021

SESSION 3 Networking, learning and communication

Chair: Pierre Carret, [short CV]

Scientific and technical aspects alone are not sufficient to ensure effective and sustainable conservation of the flora. The exchange of information and best practices between experts is essential. However, raising the awareness of all stakeholders and the general public is also crucial. Finally, finding funding for conservation projects is an ongoing challenge. This session will allow participants to learn more about these different subjects from specialists and to deepen their knowledge.

8.30 – 9.00 Networking– What are the main networks, projects, biodiversity conservation initiatives in the Mediterranean, by Mercedes Muñoz Cañas, [short CV]
9.00 – 9.30 Networking – PIM (Small Mediterranean Islands Initiative), network of experts for the collection of environmental data from un-known Mediterranean islands – Initiative PIM, by Mathieu Thevenet, [short CV]
9.30 – 10.00 Networking & LearningTela Botanica – a network for botanists to promote the exchange of information and to animate projects through new communication technologies, by Christophe Girod, [short CV]
10.00 – 10.30 Coffee break
10.30 – 11.00 Learning – Higher Education Innovation in Plant Diversity. The blended program HEIPLADI developed within the Erasmus+ K2 Strategic Partnership, by Gabriella Stefania Scippa, [short CV]
11.00 – 11.30 Communication – Why it is critical that we become better conservation communicators, by Lourdes Lázaro, [short CV], [presentation]
11.30 – 12.00 Fundraising and different financial instruments – Discussing different approaches to fundraising and important aspects to consider from a donor’s perspective, by Pierre Carret, [short CV]
12.00 – 13.30 Lunch break
13.30 – 14.30 Workshop 3.1 The MOOC potential and how to collaborate on a botany MOOC project?- by Audrey Tocco, [short CV]
Description, [presentation]
14.30 – 15.30 Workshop 3.2 ‘Plant Blindness’ – How to make plant conservation a hot topic and prioritised more widely – improving outreach and messaging to different audiences, by CEPF
Description, [presentation]
15.30 – 16.00 Coffee break
Project authors solicit support from experts on the themes of the day



Saturday and Sunday 2 & 3 October 2021

(not included in the registration – Participation information)

On the 1st day a “walk” will be organised in a coastal area and on the 2nd day in a mountainous area. If the weather allows for the boat trips the preferred destinations (Option 1) will be Gramvousa – Balos for the coastal area and crossing of Samaria gorge for the mountainous area.

Alternatively, only if the weather does not allow Option 1, Option 2 destinations will be Elafonisi – Kedrodasos and peak Gingilos, respectively.

All destinations are part of the NATURA 2000 Network.

See provisional schedule below.

9.00 – 10.00 Bus trip from MAICh to Kissamos port (with stop in Chania centre if requested)
10.40 – 17.45 Cruise from Kissamos port to Gramvousa, Balos and return to Kissamos port (snack will be provided) – stop for 2 h at Gramvousa and 3 h at Balos
17.45 – 20.30 Return to Chania – MAICh with stop for early dinner
9.00 – 11.30 Bus trip from MAICh to Chrysoskalitissa to Elafonisi (with stop in Chania centre if requested)
11.30 – 13.00 Walk around Elafonisi Islet (snack will be provided)
13.00 – 17.00 Walk E4 trail from Elafonisi to Kedrodasos, stay and return
17.00 – 20.30 Return to Chania – MAICh with stop for early dinner

6.30 – 7.50 Bus trip from MAICh to Xyloskalo, Omalos (with stop in Chania centre if requested)
7.50 – 17.30 Crossing of Samaria gorge to Agia Roumeli (snack will be provided)
17.30 – 18.10 Boat trip from Agia Roumeli to Sougia
18.10 – 21.30 Early dinner in Sougia and return to Chania – MAICh
6.30 – 7.50 Bus trip from MAICh to Xyloskalo, Omalos (with stop in Chania centre if requested)
7.50 – 15.00 Ascent to peak Gingilos and return (snack will be provided)
15.00 – 20.30 Late lunch in Omalos and return to Chania – MAICh
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