Emilio Laguna

Dr Emilio Laguna

Senior officer for plant conservation, Generalitat Valenciana

Emilio Laguna (Valencia, Spain, 1961) is Biologist PhD, working since 1986 as senior officer for plant conservation in the Wildlife Service of Generalitat Valenciana (Autonomous Govern of the Valencian Community). It was the pioneer proposing in and developing the protection of rare, endangered and endemic wild plants through networks of plant micro-reserves (PMRs), a model which has been exported to different sites worldwide and particularly through the European Community. He is member of several IUCN’s specialist groups. He has received the Planta Europa 2004 Silver Leaf Award on excellence in European plant conservation, as well as ‘César Gómez Campo’ award 2017 for plant conservation in Spain.  

Despite it does not work as a scientist, he has participated in 10 research projects of the Spanish national R+D programme. His CV includes more than 750 scientifical and technical publications (82 books, 203 book chapters, 464 articles) and more than 320 communications and posters in congresses and workshops. Since 1993, Dr. Laguna has leaded 4 EU’s LIFE projects in the Valencian Community and assessed 6 ones in other European regions. In addition he is advisor of the Planta Europa Steering Committee, as well as founder membership of SEBICOP (Spanish Society on Plant Conservation Biology) and SIB (Ibero-American Biogeographical Society).

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